Importance of Mangala Sutra

ಯತ್ರ ನಾರ್ಯಸ್ತು ಪೂಜ್ಯಂತೇ ರಮಂತೇ ತತ್ರ ದೇವತಾ: |
ಯತ್ರೈತಾಸ್ತು ನ ಪೂಜ್ಯಂತೇ ಸರ್ವಾಸ್ತತ್ರಾಽಫಲಾ: ಕಿಯಾ: |
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यंते रमंते तत्र देवता: ।
यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यंते सर्वास्तत्राऽफला: किया: ।
Where there is respect for the women, there stays all the devata.
Where there is no respect for women, there all the kriya are waste.

Now a days, it is said that " the women are ignored.  They are not recognised in the world.  They should be treated equally on par with the men".    But it is recognised by our subhaashita kaaras and sanaatana dharmaas also.

Recently in some places some section of people are trying to say that the "maangalya is not necessary as it may dictate the adheenatva of a women by a man.".  No.  It is not adheenatva of a woman, but is the sanaatana dharma, or the protection for a women or it is the daampatya - i.e., understanding of each other.  

ಮಾಂಗಲ್ಯಂ ತಂತುನಾನೇನ ಮಮ ಜೀವನ ಹೇತುನ:|
ಕಂಠೇ ಬದ್ನಾಮಿ ಸುಭಗೆ ಸಂಜೀವ ಶರದ ಶತಮ್ |
मांगल्यं तंतुनानेन मम जीवन हेतुन:।
कंठे बद्नामि सुभगॆ संजीव शरद शतम् ।

This is a sacred thread. This is essential for our long life. Husband says " I tie this in your neck, which has many auspicious attributes. May you live happily for a hundred years with me.” 

Mangala sutra - refers to auspicious thread - i.e., pavithra thread - which is knotted around the bride's neck.    Some section of people have removed the mangala sutra from their neck, saying that they are no subordinates to their husband, claiming that they are equal to men.   It can't be so decided.    There is no question of equalism or control over one another.  Daampatya refers to live together understanding each other.   The mangala sutra is worn for the long life of the husband.  Even if one removes their maangalya thread, can they get superiority over their husband?    There are many cases in which husbands are assisting their wives in all respect of life, whether in cooking, cleaning, marketing, looking after one another, etc.   As such, please do not be misguided by the Christianity or communist attitude to remove  maangalya from your neck.  In many cases, Mangala Sutra saves from you being attacked by other men.   There is lot of respect for women if they wear mangala sutra.    Three knots symbolize three different aspects of a married woman - the first knot represents her obedience to her husband, the second to his parents and the third represents her respect for God.   What is wrong in obedience to her husband?    Here obedience does not indicate that they are like slaves.   

Mangalsutra, as such, is not just a jewelry item, but a sacred thread of love and goodwill worn by married women, as a symbol of their successful marriage.

For those who have been arguing that the Mangala Sutra is not important -  If you remove the Mangala sutra, can you come out of the bondage?   There are many Muslims, Christians, and other caste people who do not wear Mangala Sutra.   Can they prove that the wife is superior to men?  if so in what respect?     Even they are also obedient husbands, wives.    But in Hinduism, we have a sanctity for our Mangala sutra which has the shakthi of keeping the evil eye away from the married women.

The Mangala Sutra to be touched with the blessing by elderly people whohave the capacity to bless.  Now a days, we observe that the MangalaSutra is moved to all the people, even the people with worst character, that too, who are wearing shoes, slippers are touching the Mangala sutra, and as such, the value of the same is not in the desirable value.      Even while doing the Kankana during the Mangalya dhaarana, the people who are sitting shall be dampathis who have established good daampathya.  But of late we are seeing the people wearing pant, shirt, the women with choodidars, with pant, etc,., in undesirable dress, are sitting for the kankana bandhana.  Then how can one have the paavitrya for the kankana.   

As such, the Maangalya to be touched by some elderly people and kankana bandhana to be attended by elderly people.  


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